how to replace power antenna
4 Answers
Hi dajbaron. In most cars this is a fairly straight forward procedure. The antenna and power unit are usually one piece and can be replaced with the proper wrench and a plug in. Check with your local dealer to see if there's anything unusual about this switch out, but generally it's a pretty straight forward driveway job. The antenna should have instructions to help when you buy it. Good luck!
I agree with the previous post. This is an interesting operation that *can* be done by one person. But you have to be REAL quick. You remove the old antenna by taking apart the power antenna module in the trunk. Get all the ripped up nylon out. To get the new antenna in, you reassemble everything. With the radio on (it will think the antenna is up) a you turn off the radio and "feed" in the new antenna. It pulls it right in. Then, you cap it off with the chrome nut (getting it off without the special tool, and not scratching it is possible). I've got it twice on the first try. Good luck!
i think if u blow up your car and buy vtec would be the way to go
Then that would be a VTEC question.