Is Nissan Sedan Sentra 1992 computerized or not?
15 Answers
They are computorized. But what does that matter if it runs good and you are buying at a good price?
But they are not computorized to the extent of the newer cars
It could run you from $200 to $500 or mor depends on what emc is in it. I have paid $250 in a 1990 before and that was with a discount
So let me get this right. You want to buy this car and someone told you that the emc is bad?
it has a control circuit wired in to help keep the engine running goot so you don't ruin the planet with all this smoke and chemicals going out,
I thought hats what the cats were for? and the emc runs the emision controls. Did not know they wired a speacail device in the wireing circut just to do that. Oh could that be called the EMC?
EMC emision controll center. Just in case you did not know 7jimmy7
Dude you as drunk as i am. Letes leave leave it alone and try our best to help out people
(Automotive) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)