I put water where my antifreeze go,I drive my car for bout 10 minutes and my low coolant light keep coming on ,I can't find any leaks and car is not running hot,please help ? 2004 Pontiac grand am
2 Answers
Water in your anti freeze is only temporary. Putting water were your anti freeze goes will rust any internal parts, I suggest going to your local auto store and purchasing the correct antifreeze for your car.
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Water will boil away. Drain your cooling system and re-fill it with a 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze. Be sure to use antifreeze recommended for your engine and put enough in so that the level showing in your recovery tank shows "Full Hot" after running the car for about 5-10 minutes. If not - add more of the 50/50 mix to the reservoir to bring it up to that mark.