How do I bleed my coolant system in my 1995 pontiac firebird 3.4lv6
2 Answers
Coolant systems typically are not bled. Air will escape provided you have sufficient coolant and your water pump and thermostat are working. Just make sure the coolant level is correct by checking its level at the reservoir tank, not the radiator cap. There should be both a HOT line and a COOL line on the reservoir. Use the one that describes your coolant temp when it is being checked and add a 50/50 mix of coolant and water if needed.
coolant is normally drained if you need to change it. if you are refilling coolant & bleeding the air, it is on the top hose by the thermostat. loosen the little bolt but do not remove and add coolant in the radiator as needed. this is DONE ONLY ON A COLD engine. fully heated engine will BURN burn you... if you open the radiator cap running for over 10-20minutes / at full operating engine temperatures.