size of wheels & tires or do they interchange with anything else
2 Answers
do you know any wheel and tire specs for the car? I would guess that the wheels are a 14"x6.5" and a 5x100 bolt pattern, with tires measuring a 185/65/r14. if this is the case really you can go up to a 17" rim and up to 7.5" wide as long as it's a 5x100 or universal bolt pattern with a 45 or 50 profile tire you can also go to a 195 or 205 section width and be just fine.
snowbird589 answered 4 years ago %20Simple+simple%20+tire%20Brand&utm_content=+simple%20+tire&utm_term=%2Bsi mple%20%2Btire&utm_creative=358392553327&gclid=CjwKCAiA1fnxBRBBEiwAVUouUtY fFnqt80k9KKymATRXmfqqOVc7qK67bSu2b2kbSWDn_y31k8wx-hoC0UgQAvD_BwE GO TO SIMPLE TIRE.COM