Is it worth replacing or rebuilding the engine in an 05 forenza?
11 Answers
A new engine installed will be at least $4,000 and probably more. What is the car worth to you?
Not 4k that's for sure. I know I can get a used motor for $600 at the moment. Plus freight = 835 Labor and small parts I'm Estimating 2k. I paid 5k for the car and put 40k miles on it. 150k miles total Is it worth putting a used motor in with 122k miles? . It says it is tested and runs good. What's your thoughts?
I said a new engine. A used engine will be just as much labor. If you plan on keeping the car for another 100k miles and you like the car and can live with it for several more years then go for it. A used engine with a 122k miles is a gamble and may only last another 20k miles or less. Then again if it was cared for really good and you care for it it could go longer, a lot longer. I would look for a much lower mile engine.
You're right. Good point. It would be a gamble.
Why did the first engine crap out at 150k? If that is all the distance they will last then do the math with a 122k mile engine!
It knocked real bad and locked up after sitting for a week after we parked it. I've been seeing some bad reviews on this car. Seems I would be better to part it out or scrap it!
There you go. Good luck.
Thanks for your help! Happy new year my friend :) I pray God's richest blessing on you and yours in 2016!
Have 2007 Suzuki xl7 it needs engain it's been sitting park for 3 yrs to u think worth fixing
I need a motor in ä 2005 Suzuki forenza 2.0 i pay 1200.but low miles.. Call me 404 431 7583 July 4th..
If the engine quit working at 150,000 miles it was because the owner neglected maintainence and/or beat the shit out of it.