what is a like nos console with guage pack worth!
1 Answer
Hey 20 ... I couldn't find a comparable item on ebay but from this thread (http://groups.google.com/group/alt.autos.camaro.firebird/browse_thread/thread/10aa59558801b707/58ffcfb5312c1dee?lnk=st&q=nos+console&rnum=1&hl=en#58ffcfb5312c1dee) it seems that a repro console might fetch $250 and up. These guys (http://www.firstgenconsoles.com/) even buy consoles for your vintage Camaro so you may want to give them a call to find out a starting price and then head to ebay to see what is the most someone is willing to pay for one ...which after all, is real question you are asking!