seat belt chimes
4 Answers
You would have to go to a Chevrolet dealership because its a part of the on-board computer that only the Chevrolet dealer can change.
These systems are required by law and may not be changed, altered, modifed, etc. The recommended use of the seat belts applies to all drivers regardless of were you live. They have saved countless lives and prevented major injuries. Just today in our city paper was a report of a fatal crash. The driver was not wearing seat belts. Living on a farm adds its own set of risks and dangers. Vehicles in motion generate Kinetic Energy to the square of the velocity. Heavy vehicles generate even more energy. I am sure you do not only drive on a farm but also on public roads. This is for your protection. My vehicles do not move without all inside wearing seat belts. You never know what or whom might hit your car or what you might hit. Life is uncertain: wear the seat belts. OK? If you drive a pickup do not forget to deactivate the passenger side airbags with little ones on the passenger side nor put your legs on the dash on the passenger side as welll. Good luck.
Rednecko91 answered 13 years ago
If you are willing to spend like $10 to do it you can go on ebay and buy seat belt buckles. Then put them in the receiver for the seat belt and the chimes will stop. Here is the link to ebay: _nkw=+tahoe+seat+buckle&_sacat=0&_odkw=2007+tahoe+seat+buckle&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270. l1313
I ordered a 3" seat belt extender from Seat Belt Extender Pros for $20. Worked like a charm!