type of transmission fluid


Asked by partsminer Jun 22, 2013 at 04:18 PM about the 1991 Chevrolet C/K 1500

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

16 Answers


The most universal and acceptable modern ATF for your vehicle is Mercon-V (Mercon 5)

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Umm no gm car takes mercon v, that is a ford trans fluid, gm vehicles take dexron/mercon III, starting 2005ish, gm patents ran out on the III so they came out with an updated fluid dexron VI which they suggest you switch to, so you can use the III or the VI, mercon V is only for a few certain ford cars.

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I beg to differ but the key word I used was "Universal" and no, it isn't designed for just certain fords. I happen to have read the label on the 55 gallon drums we use to service out fleet of over 1700 cars and light trucks.

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Yes their are plenty of universal trans fluids and some say they work for mercon V and dex/mercon III, gm doesn't support the use of those universal fluids. Find me a universal fluid that will work for DEXRON VI which is what GM recommends in most of their cars, old and new. Different types of trans fluids are different viscosity just like engine oil, so using universal trans fluids can be just like using the wrong weight of engine oil in your car. It may "work" but certainly is not the best option. Next, MERCON V was developed BY FORD FOR FORD. A pic of the back of a MOTORCRAFT (FORD BRAND) bottle of mercon V is provided below for proof. Also, GM has a TSB out that suggest nothing but DEXRON VI be used in any car requiring dexIII or dex VI. The TSB even suggest NOT to use the DEX III anymore for any vehicle. Therefore universal fluids that say they work for dex III is NOT suggested by GM. This is because the patents expired on dexIII meaning there is no regulation anymore on its makeup and companies are not required to add the same friction modifiers to it anymore because there is no patents on it. I work at GM dealer so I service millions of cars, not just 1700. In a nutshell, a lot of things will "work" but I would rather use what is "recommended"

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What kind of transmission fluid goes in a 1990 chev 1500 5 speed? please anyone that knows let me no!! lol thanks so much

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I will take a Chevrolet/GM dealerships mechanics answer for any topic! Any day of the year! Over some General service mechanic every time especially one that says he read the label on a 55 gallon drum, so this is why he's right!! Wow dude never argue with that specific type of vehicle makes mechanic again over any topic of that vehicle make please. Especially when your back up to your answer is that you read the label makes you look ignorant and dumb especially when you don't stop. Thats why cars are always best to take to dealership for service then some regular mechanic shop especially when it's a new vehicle. Just not worth it on what they might screw up or put the wrong weight of oil something so easy as that! It happens all the time I'm sure! Ya dealerships are more expensive, but for an investment such as a new vehicle or even an older vehicle its hands down the best to take to the professionals and experts for the vehicles manufacture. Unless you know what your doing yourself then do at home. That is the best answer, but like most don't know how or just to lazy to do it then take to dealership you won't regret it i the end just to save 10-15%

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I run Mobil 1 synthetic in my old GM and my new Volvo. My GM has 325,000 and no slipping. It's compatible with most vehicles. I've included a pic of vehicles and types of fluids that mobile 1 synthetic covers.

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please advise on where and how to chose a new 1995 chev v6 single cab transmission for my truck

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80-90 gear oil is used for the Differentials and manual transmissions but not for the automatic transmission.

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Can Anyone please advise which oil to use for my fathers 1974 Chevrolet Constantia 5l v8. Automatic transmission fluid? Please!

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anything that's Chevy or GM, use AcDelco... AcDelco is a by product that is made by Chevrolet for chevys or GM... that's it anyone can argue it ive worked for Chevy built ect... If it's not made by Chevy,GMC,AcDelco, dont use it...

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Any modern gear oil from 80-140, down to engine oil 0-20, or transmission fluid will work in your manual gearbox. The temperature on which you will be using it and the type of load you put it under plays more of a role in the type of fluid than any owners manual will ever give you. It doesn't matterms what brand it is. The gears don't care if it says dexos or mercon or chevron or toyota fluid. There are no clutches that will slip or burn up. Any of these fluids will provide the lubricity needed for everyday normal driving. If you live in a colder climate that will be used in 0 degree temp then use an automatic transmission fluid. If it's in Texas pulling a trailer then use 80-140 gear oil. If it's in between then use an engine oil. The thin oils will cause an easier shift.

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Dextron is for Chevy and mercon is for ford!!!!!!!!! And yes they make fluid compatible with both


So Rick it looks to me like your saying a general mechanic is stupid, well I am a "general mechanic" I have been a self emplyed mobile mechanic that works on anything with a combustion chamber, I have personally serviced hundreds of thousands of cars and trucks over the past 37 years, and I read every label every time, im not saying your wrong on the fluid topic, but i am saying your wrong about dealership mechanic versus general mechanic, i can get my desk patch anytime i like but experiance pays the bills, and my bills get paid on time.

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