i am getting a 1984 ford ranger soon and i need to pull a gooseneck trailer with it
3 Answers
you may try dueling the exhaust,but i dont think i would worry about it.
littlehorn answered 17 years ago
It will be tough to pull a gooseneck trailer with a Ford Ranger. Not sure what engine is in it but if it's a common one like the 5.0/302, you can get overdrive/underdrive pulley sets to change the pulleys on the engine so that you will waste less torque and horsepower driving the alternator, etc., and transfer more to the rear wheels. Other than that I'd say just make sure you change transmission and rear axle fluid and make sure you get a transmission cooler.
GET A NEW TRUCK rangers are NOT ment to pull that kind of weight the frame,axles and springs are NOT ment for that and you could kill your truck, just because you can a larger engine in it does not make it a 1 ton