Report Known Scams
There are several listings on your site that are known fakes. Is there a way to
report these posts to you and have them removed so that they do not
potentially rip off anyone who uses your site? It pains me to see posts from
people that are here just to rip you off, I know buyer beware, but it really pisses
me off when they use world events to pretend to be a military member who is
being deployed and looking to sell a car fast. As a retired U.S. Air Force
member, this just really sets me off. If you want to be in the military, join up and
actually get deployed and shot at; it will make you have some respect for those
people who work hard and some who can barely make ends meet, or live pay
check to pay check. So I ask again, is there a way to report these, and if not,
can/will you make one. I would hope that your company does not condone this
and if so, then I can ensure that it is reported as such to the proper people.