94 Buick roadmaster
3 Answers
Rancherodan answered 8 years ago
Are you getting voltage to the new distributor? If you are dealing with an opti spark (one behind the water pump) Don't forget to check your coil and ignition module (mounted on driver side cylinder head with coil) And checking for fuel pump pressure would not be a bad idea either. Also check to make sure you have put all connections back in place and the air intake plenums and mass air are all hooked up or it will not start.
You probably got the timing way off. Put the engine on TDC #1 piston and turn the distrubutor so that the rotor points at the #1 spark plug wire. This should get you close enough for the engine to start.
litharenite answered 8 years ago
ignition module. mine started and ran a few blocks and died. check for spark, no spark replace ignition module