Buick Roadmaster 1992 loses spark when it gets hot

Asked by dusttrail83 Sep 21, 2018 at 01:53 PM about the 1992 Buick Roadmaster

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Car started, ran about 10 minutes and then just stopped and will not restart.
Spark that it had initially was an orangish color. Was told weak spark is
orange should be blue. Now no spark once it got hot. Took module in and it
tested good. Was told probably ignition coil then so replaced that. Still no
spark or start. Let sit overnight but still no spark this morning even after it
cooled down. First time it stopped, it gave the orange color spark once it
cooled off. This time no spark at all once cool.

2 Answers


When the ignition modules are cold, they can work fine.....so yours tested ok. But lots of things can happen when the engine gets hot and the module is probably failing. Start with a used one if you want to save some $$

Tested distributor and response was good. Ended up changing distributor anyway because was told could be the reluctor in the distributor going bad but had no way to test it. After changing entire distributor which also included a new module as well, the problem was resolved. Car is starting with no issue and no more just shutting off. Module had tested good and got really, really hot when it was tested. The guy tested it about 10 times pushing the button to cycle it through and it was always good. But replacement with a new complete distributor with module included it is doing great. Running better than ever.

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