2004 f250 4x4
Asked by moo1123 Jun 03, 2010 at 09:46 PM about the 2004 Ford F-250 Super Duty
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
i just bought an 04 f250 4x4 with the 6.0 and it seems to wander while goin down the road, ford just put brand new brakes, rotors, pads and hardware on it, and i asked tech who did brakes bout it, he mentioned the steerin gearbox was in a bind... i was thinkin more along the lines of an alignment bein off just alil bit, i was just wonderin if anyone else has had this issue, the tech also said he's had to replace a few gearboxes, but only on the 4x4's not any 2 wheel drives, any input or comments would b appreciated
9 Answers
sounds like they want more money,have it ligned up .it should be fine.
i would have thought that also, but all brake work was free, part of deal with buyin the truck
I ligned front ends for quite a few years,the stearing box dont get in a bind,they weare out and get slack in them,trust this one,just get an aligment,putting the parts they put on it would not make it wander going down the road.what hardware did they put on it,besides breaks and rotors
well i must say i do agree with you bout them gettin in a bind, i thought they just wore out and got play in them, i aint worked on cars.trucks in yrs, i drive a semi and know alot more bout them then my own personal vehicles, i really appreciate ur advice and will plan on gettin it alligned like i originally thought, thx again for ur insight
ditto,i drove the big rigs for 20 + years,peterbuilt,extended hood,115 inch sleeper 18 over,EF tranny 500 HP cat.
greywolfftrucker answered 14 years ago
im in the same boat i drive a larg car and have not worked on cars or trks in 10 yrs now im married im broke and gotta go back to doing everything my self to save a buck, b safe out there
it could have slack in steering box,you can adjust or tighten it,on top os bos is a nut with threaded screw loosten nut turn screw down 1/2 to 1 turn tighten bolt.see if this helps.and an alignment would be ok to.gear boxes dont bind,they just get slack in them,that is what the adj ,i mention is for.
firebird_is_a_86_350... answered 9 years ago
Listen to papa i would say the exact same thing he knows exactly what hes doing and talking about take his advice dont listen to the same place you got it from there just out to get more money outta your pocket
SalvagedRover answered 6 years ago
Here's what you do, cowboy: - Block the back wheels and set the parking brake - Raise both front wheels up and put the axle on stands - Grab each wheel, shake up and down, and side to side (side to side play = tie rods, up and down = ball joints) - Watch the joints individually and watch for play/slop/movement/whatever. Have someone help you if you need. - Grab a pipe wrench and try to rotate the steering bars, all the way up to the pittman arm coming out of the steering box. Look for worn joints. Papa also has a greta idea, a lot of times, the gears in the steering box will wear out and obviously get slop in them. there is a nut and set screw on the top that will tighten them together and take up the slop, but if you tighten them up too much, the gears WILL bind up, and you'll destroy them. Something in there will be your problem.