Can you put a Rialta QD on a lift
5 Answers
lifts are not good for cars- they will bend the subframe, but only so very slightly that it doesn't matter- unless it's a rare collectible that will have show judges looking underneath- maybe the guy you bought it from thought it was a collectible- the dents get put in because most mechanics are monkeys who throw the cars up in the air with flat-rate abandon- a good wrench will position the lift so it will not hurt the car, at all-
The Rialta is quite tall. Most garages don't have enough room above the lift for it. Happened to my folks' Eurovan camper...crunch.
Scott ,if a mechanic cant see the roof,i don,t want him touching my rides.
I have it in repairs at a truck stop so they handle very big rigs. Hopefully, they know what they are doing