Mystery of the dissapearing coolant!!
Asked by Jamie Nov 17, 2009 at 09:26 PM about the 1997 Volkswagen Cabrio
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
H i was hoping someone might gave an answer why my 97 cabrio is eating coolant like crazy. I've been checking for drips under the car and there is no coolant in the oil. whats happening to my baby??? Please help!!
2 Answers
Odin-Eliott answered 15 years ago
Easy answer... My Cabrio has a problem with the Radiator, which is common.... So she's leaking her fluids from the centre of the radiator, and due to the heat, you can't see it (it evaporates). If it's not the Radiator, you can check for white smoke (really thick white smoke) from the exhaust. If it smells like coolant, it propably is. And then you have a broken headgasket (expencive!)... Good luck finding the problem.
Thanks for the reply! Is this fixable?? I have no white smoke and no radiator fluid or anything in my oil. Also, this all started maybe a month ago and before that there were no problems. Is it too much if ive had to add coolant every 2 weeks or so? Thanks a lot!