why does my car either stall or won't start

Asked by Guru93YCGV Mar 18, 2023 at 12:15 PM about the 1979 Dodge Colt

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

can pump accelerator and starts, but as soon as it burns that fuel, it dies. Also
stalls on acceleration (if it starts)  Has mechanical fuel pump.   

2 Answers


Most likely the fuel ruined the seals in the carb, you need to rebuild the carb using a kit with the new fuel resistant components. Your rubber fuel lines will also need replaced with the new multi fuel hoses. And eventually the fuel pump will give out and it will need replaced with the new style that has its seals it also fuel resistant.

1 people found this helpful.

Check the fuel lines for rot . Sometimes a hole will form where it goes over the rear axle block , it won't leak because it's at the top but it will suck air .

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