I have a 64 beetle. The parking brake handle popped apart.


Asked by alices1964vw Apr 12, 2008 at 02:27 AM about the 1964 Volkswagen Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Is there a trick to putting it all back together? Do I have to remove the entire handbrake assembly. How does the rod with the "U" shaped curve go in?     thanks for your time.  

4 Answers


I would recommend contacting a local garage that specializes in VWs, they may have a diagram for you.


For about $30 you can get a book that will tell how your bug works and how to keep it running. I had an earlier version of this book when I owned my bugs (a 57 and a 65) and it paid for itself many times over. Check it out at: http://www.amazon.com/Keep-Volkswagen-Alive-Step-Step/dp/1566913101

1 people found this helpful.

forget the park brake handle,a good piece of 2by4 would do the same job...only for less money...


there is a little cam-shaped piece with teeth on one side which is used to hold the brake in position and it has flipped over. Remove the rubber boot (if you have it) loosen the cables and pull the lever as far up as possible. feel where the teeth bit meets the lever, and you'll feel a little piece that moves. This is the cam. Push and hold the release button in, and try to flip the cam back over so you can see the side that has the teeth facing to the back of the car. put the brake down and tighten your cables. don't pull so hard on the brake; that is what causes this to happen.

11 people found this helpful.

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