1964 vw engine

Asked by hooch Sep 07, 2009 at 08:02 PM about the 1964 Volkswagen Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

does it hahe an oil filter and air filter and how many quarts of oil it takes to change

2 Answers


VW Beetles have a steel mesh oil screen around the oil pickup, but no filter. Every time you change the oil it is essential to undo all the sump plate nuts, remove the sump plate (round metal plate under the middle of the engine) and then take out the oil screen. You then wash the oil screen thoroughly in kerosene or something similar. Use a brush to clean out all the holes in the screen if needed. Then put it back in, making sure that you use 2 gaskets. First put one sump gasket on, then the oil screen, then another gasket, then the sump plate. The engine will take roughly three litres, or close enough to three quarts of oil. Always check the level on the dipstick to make sure you get it right.

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The air cleaner is also serviceable, rather than replaceable. The standard air cleaner is an oil bath type, which consists of steel wool in a bath of oil. Take the air cleaner off and tip out the old oil. Then clean both the top and bottom parts thoroughly with kerosene or other parts cleaner. Refill the bottom part of the oil cleaner with engine oil, up to the line marked Olstand, or Oil Level. Then put it back on the car.

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