runs rough and will not idle when it warms up

Asked by GuruTX9DJ Jun 22, 2018 at 08:37 PM about the 1965 Volkswagen Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

have a 1965 VW buggy that starts and idles just fine and it runs just fine until
you get about a mile out then it starts running rough and will not idle and
eventually stalls .Has a new tank and fuel lines plus filters in the tank and inline
.just not sure whats going on with it.Seems like it is starving for fuel need help

4 Answers


Ignition coil. Or points.. best bet to replace..

2 people found this helpful.

By the time you've driven a mile the engine would just about to be up to operating temperature, if the carburetor was tuned for anything less it could pose the problem. Also make sure that your choke isn't sticking (even partially closed)

4 people found this helpful.

One more thing you check that is often overlooked, make sure you have a vented fuel cap, once the vacuum created inside the tank matches the pressure output of the carb you have no more flow. When it dies crack the cap loose, if you hear air getting sucked in and the car starts right back up problem solved (hopefully) if not theres two good things above to investigate

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