Locked Up??


Asked by MikeyI Mar 23, 2013 at 02:52 PM about the 1968 Volkswagen Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Is a 1600 VW engine that has sat in a barn unrun for 5 years likely to be locked up?

10 Answers


No idea. I guess it depends on how it was stored. Spray penetrating oil in the cylinders or fill it up with kerosene to lubricate the rings. Turn it over by hand.

cast iron rings do not like moisture and will form a galvonic seal if any moisture is present at all. keepin' my fingers crossed fer ya mikey!

1 people found this helpful.

I'm reminded of a Woody Allen movie supposed to take place in the future, but they stumble upon one of these in a cave and inextricably fires right up!

tellin' ya mikeyl you HAVE TO convert to electric. what goin' 70mph and need to keep up with those that do? ok tell me why this is important, I definately missed a meating on that http://www.ebay.com/itm/Electric-Vehicle-Conversion-Kit-for-VW-Frame-/200369951280

my dad has been a lead acid battery engineer for forty years and LEAD batteries are in his blood. 'bout broke his heat when they switched over to antimony alloy instead....think I could hook you up with a load of golf-cart batteries, this is what you'll need...the deep cycle variety and a charger that can charge a dozen at once.

think about it, you can steathily approach the house in the wee hours undetected...looks like a damned volkswagen and pollutes NONE...from all my time at Greenworld 93-96 the VW punchbuggy failed the smogcheck everytime...GROSS polluter they give you money for takin these off the roads, I think on acct of their violating the atmosphere tendancey...but now life could be different as you'd pay ZERO dollars on gas and perhaps $4 more on electric-


High Desert is on the nosey! Southern New Mexico, it's a windy, dusty day here. I love this State!

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