My generator light is on and will not charge my battery. Can anyone provide me with another avenue to look at.
4 Answers
did you polarize the voltage regulator / Generator ? >
ALSO !!!! That trigger current is supplied via the alternator dash light (it's a tiny current and won't make the light glow when the engine is running) so if that bulb blows - the battery won't get charged and it will go flat. Curious circuitry VW used, but it works just fine. So that means that with an alternator equipped VW, you should always glance at the dash as you turn the key and make sure the Alt light does glow with just the key on, just to make sure that that circuit is intact.
Yes I polarized the voltage regulator. The dash light is working and is properly grounded. It glows when the ignition is initially turned on.
How about replacing the wire from the regulator to the battery+ terminal?