fueling problems


Asked by llastp Oct 14, 2008 at 11:50 AM about the 1975 Volkswagen Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

the nozzle at the gas pump does not go far enough into the tank to fuel up at a rate greater than a trickle.  Any suggestions?

5 Answers


It depends. If you have a Super Beetle or not. Both the standard type one and the Super Beetle were built in 1975. If you have a standard type one, you can replace the tank with an earlier tank that has the fuel filler directly on the tank. Though you have to access it via opening the hood, it fills significantly better AND you don't get the gas vapors knocking you out from the leaky hoze that runs from the right body work to the tank. The retro tanks fit in the same hole. If you have a 1975 "Super" Beetle the tank is considerably different. Someone else would need to comment on a possible solution for you.


i would check the tank on the 75 will not work cause its fuel injection has hp hose and return check the hose running to the tank it could be kinked


Up until recently it was not an issue. The car itself does not seem to have a defect of any kind. The gas stations have changed the nozzles at the pump to very short ones. I have tried different stations for ones not shortened but the last one I was frequenting has the short nozzle now as well. I am wondering if there is any way to safely cause the interior flap that is opened when you place the nozzle in the tank to be artificially held open. Does anyone else have this problem? I can't believe its only me!

1 people found this helpful.

I have a 76 supper and have the same issue. I use a funnel to keep the flap on the tank open and it takes for ever.


I have the same issue on my 1979 super beetle and I can't have remedy for it until now... I ruin my fuel pump already because of low gas all the time... Station attendant is looking at me every time I put gas because I'm taking to long...

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