My 2002 Malibu-LS [3.1] wan't fire when it's 70 deg. or cooler.


Asked by peteladell Oct 14, 2012 at 08:55 PM about the 2002 Chevrolet Malibu

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

It started out, that it would not fire at 32deg.  it is now up to 70 deg. over the past year. it meets all codes. I have changed out the folling, crankshaft sensor in the block. ignation module,and the crankshaft sinsor behind the harmonic balancer.These two sinsors produce the 7X and 24X signals. I suspect a high ground or the hamonic balancer. Any suggestions. Thanks Pete.

8 Answers


What isn't it getting, spark or fuel?

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too many potential reasons so far, can you help us narrow it down, are their check engine or indicator lights on, are you doing the work, or mechanic competent in ohming out the coil, or module, (that when it gets hot will shut down)....

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Cold is the issue. It has to be warm to run.

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Yes John, has to app. 70 deg. or warmer to fire. John, I started with a certified GM repairman, he checked for codes, none, he thought it had to to be the 7X crankshaft sensor, he put in a new one [the B] by now its warm and fires off every time. Oh no lites.Since I have put in new, ign. cont. mod., crankshaft pos. sensor 24X [A] and yesterday I put on a new harmonic balancer. No help. No it

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Faulty anti-theft system will cut fuel to the injections because of the Passlock signal to the Pcm. If you or your GM buddy feels so inclined, look up the wiring diagram and voltage specs to verify.

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