Dead clutch pedal


Asked by Anwar_cpt_sa Nov 04, 2015 at 09:30 PM about the 1997 Ford Fiesta

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Hi guys. My 97 fiesta lost clutch resistance and at the same time cannot select
gears at all while engine is running. The clutch and pressure plate is quite new
and the clutch and brake reservoir is full.  For some time now the release
bearing gave a Lil rattling sound while clutch is not depressed. What should i
be checking? Please help, and tx in advance

18 Answers


Sound like the slave cylinder has gone bad, this operates the pressure plate to disengage the clutch.

4 people found this helpful.

I agree. The slave cylinder pushes the throwout bearing

4 people found this helpful.

Awesome. Will i find the slave on the pedal or release bearing or somewhere else perhaps?

2 people found this helpful.

That image confuses me slightly sorry. Is that the release bearing in looking at?

1 people found this helpful.

Yes. It is. The hydraulic slave cylinder pushes on pressure plate

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Best Answer Mark helpful

But you need to understand that the actual hydraulic slave cylinder is outside the bell-housing that pushes this to disengage clutch

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Ok cool. So that's what i need to find. I guess that would be somewhere connected to the metal tube that attaches at the point I've marked on my attached pic? Sorry struggling to find the words to explain myself

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I mis-worded my answer. When I said the slave cylinder pushes on pressure plate is not accurate. The slave cylinder pushes the arm on a fulcrum to push the throwout bearing on pressure plate. But YES, that is what is probably the problem, what you put the square on is where the slave cylinder attaches No need to apologize. Sometimes trying to do this stuff from coast-to-coast from a a keyboard gets difficult... on both ends For all I know you are 2 blocks away or 3000 miles. I am in Central Calif

6 people found this helpful.

I'm southern tip of the southern most tip of South Africa Cape Town lol

1 people found this helpful.

I got the idea eventually lol. Tx man helps allot as i have the aptitude for mechanics but didn't do any schooling in it

1 people found this helpful.

Right on there Ford Nut! I was trying to explain something on that order of distance, and how different people are from where they live sometimes it is easy to have miss communication. By the way, I am up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

1 people found this helpful.

Mackinaw City? Cheboygan? Good Hart? I have no clue ..... never been there just looked at Google Earth

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I am just over 3 hrs. west from Mackinaw City, and about 3 hrs. north from Cheboygan. Escanaba Mich. is where I sit...Just about the top of Lake Michigan...

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I'd love to see america one day but you have to be quite well off as a south African to see your country. But maybe that dream will come true, who knows

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Anwar_cpt_sa I don't have a clue about the economy in South Africa but I sincerely hope you can come visit us. There are sights and scenery to behold like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone... and so much more.....and most people are friendly...

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About 1-15 i think at the moment. Meaning for you to come this way is a much better/viable option

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