my radio is on but there is no sound from the speakers
49 Answers
Check if your car has a stock amp under the passenger seat. It could be blown or disconnected, other than that check the back of the stereo to see if all your connections r ok
check your wires, making sure they are connected to the speakers and properly connected to the head unit. If it is an older model (see lder than five years) may be a good idea to replace it.
Just had this problem. Radio comes on, no sound (or it would make a loud static sound if you hit the radio or ramdomly on it's own), everything else is fine, display, CD works etc.. So I bought an identical used replacement radio on ebay, still not working and the same problem. Then I found a post that suggested looking in the trunk and found that one of the plastic terminals for the wires on the rear speaker had broken off. Wiggled it, and the radio came on. Problem? Stuffing too much junk in the trunk caused the problem, it snapped the plastic clip where the speaker wire is soldered in (connection was in fact still good), and then it shorted. Hope that helps.
@tconway! thanks! I just had that same problem happen to me yesterday! I had put my daughters bike in the trunk which must of hit the wire! my radio is back on! thanks!!!!!!! 08 Camry
mpfanstiel answered 9 years ago
This is great information - I do not have a trunk per se as it is a Sienna (van) do I still look in the back? i.e. where should I look for this wire?
@tconway wish i would've read this 4 months ago when my radio went out. Toyota wanted to charge me $55 just to look at it. I now have music and radio again in my 2010 Corolla S. Chick magnet hahaha
I checked for built in.amp in my 99 crown vic checked all speakers even replaced harness amd cd player still no sound
kindheart4you1 answered 9 years ago
I was driving and my radio just went dead in the middle of a broadcast. The answer was, that I has been moving a heavy object in the trunk a few days before, and it must have bumped the rear speaker wires in the trunk. I checked them and they were all connected, but I did wiggle them a little, and "bingo" the radio was back to normal. Poor design placement, but this blog saved me a repair cost. Thanks!
So happy I found this post!! Our 2012 Corolla lost all sound but the radio still showed as working including bluetooth, CD, etc. My husband had put tires in the trunk to get our snow tires changed and sure enough knocked off the speaker wire and it grounded out. Toyota told us to buy a new radio system but thankfully I saw this post and my husband had it fixed in 5 minutes. 5 years later and this post is still helping people!!
Bingo! Spot on! I checked and the red wire had come off the speaker...connected it and now it's working again. This thread saved me replacing my original stereo and paying $400+ as two technicians said it's a faulty systrm.
Can someone load a picture of where in the truck to look , sorry im not car savvy i just drive my 99/00 toyota camry im not sure where to look, i was brave and checked the cables were connected in the back of the radio which took me 5 months to figure out how to take it out of the car, and i changed the fuses under the steering wheel, toyota told me its 200 to replace the window because it might be the window.........please help
maryemitch answered 8 years ago
Thank You tconway!!! Got in my car today and the radio powered on, but no sound (other than a couple of static blips as I drove down the road). Found this post after I got home, and it seems I, too, broke a plastic terminal while taking a large box out of my trunk. Re-positioned the plastic piece so that the wires no longer touched the speaker frame (?, the metal surrounding the speaker) and all speakers working like normal. Just saved me a lot of anger, frustration, and money!
Sebring_1912 answered 8 years ago
Thanks tconway! The speakers in my 2005 Toyota Corolla suddenly stopped working even tho the lights and indicators told me the radio/cd player was playing. I checked the rear speaker terminals in the trunk and everything looked ok at first. I gave the terminals a wiggle and found that one of the exposed heavily soldered terminals had become bent and shorted out on the terminal next to it. Bent it back and the sound instantly came back on. Problem solved!
2013 Camry Se have no sound right side speaker up one and passenger side foot. Happened after i was add the twitter, i took out twitter now i add ground it working but wind sounds , all others speakers working perfect . I look at all the fuse Perfect ! any good advice thanks.
I have not seen any amp under passenger seat and I don't see anything inside the trunck , where else can I look ? help
my radio Toyota corolla 2010 is no sound. I need help.
Omg! Thank you so much...I was so frustrated without my music.
It worked for me too! Just bent the piece back up, in the trunk connected to one of the speakers, and now the radio works. Thank you for this post! What a blessing!
ScottC2005 answered 7 years ago
I have a 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser....the 2 front speakers and both door speakers stopped working. The speakers in the roof are working. Any idea how to fix this?
Where are the connectors on a Toyota 99 Camry
PROFILE: 2008 Toyota Sienna using standard Toyota JBL head unit. This Toyota has an entertainment fold-down DVD player that was installed at the dealer. SYMPTOM: Head unit appears to be work, however no sound is playing through any speakers. Also, entertainment fold-down DVD player is not working. PROBLEM: Toyota head unit is designed to stop playing sound upon any connection errors. In other words if a speaker, or auxiliary device is malfunctioning it will stop playing sound. This includes anything after market or *extra installed by the dealer. SOLUTION: Disconnect the axillary device on rear of head unit, check speaker connectors (especially if your Toyota type has a trunk as the speaker clips are exposed and can be *hit by items in the trunk). In my specific situation, the Toyota installed DVD player in the back malfunctioned and put the head unit in this (NO SOUND) mode. Good luck. Start with disconnecting as many interfaces on the back of the head unit as possible, and add from there. Do not disconnect the antenna though, this often serves as an additional Ground.
I had the same problem. Checked the boot like other post rear speaker connecter came off due to a bike I moved recently. Thanks guys.
My radio turns on and I can hear it but I can not see any text on the screen and when I hit any button on the radio, the radio shuts off. why????
Hi Guys I have a 2001 toyota I have followed this fix but could not see the radio cables in my trunk. Please help
These are cables going in your back speaker. Usually you access them via trunk.
I have a 2016 Toyota Prius and the radio suddenly it stops working but sometimes when I'm driving it comes on and I checked all the fuses and everything the radio still works fine by the speaker's there's no sound is driving me crazy please help
@Chris I am having the exact same issue. I just took it in and they let me know that my radio has "failed" for no reason other than I was unlucky and got a bad radio. I have to replace the entire unit, labor and parts are coming out to $710 :'(
Thanks to this thread, I was able to fix the issue of no sound coming on. After moving our college freshman, looks like we knocked out a wire in the speaker in the trunk. A quick readjustment and the issue was solved!
Thanks to these posts I was also able to fix the lack of sound on my 2007 Toyota Camry... the cause was a loose wire under my passenger seat, which is odd since I've Never touched it over all these years!
Thank you so much. I wiggled a few wires underneath the passenger seat and the radio is working again. I might have to have the wires fixed later.
A Toyota Hilux D4D standard radio does not accept or take Cd's how to resolve it
My Toyota Sienna 2013 losses sound when off the engine. I have to wait for about 15-20mins off engine for sound to come back (radio)
I have a 2001 Echo. No sound and no amp under the passenger seat. Speaker wires look good in trunk. This is second radio I've tried and neither produced sound. Any suggestions?
jayw123456116 answered 6 years ago
I have a 2009 Toyota Yaris. Lately my radio sound fades to hissing after 40 mins. Now is fades after about 20 mins. Sounds like is going to vanish. Any ideas for fixing anybody? Thanks. Jayw
My 2017 Toyota ia Yaris sound doesn’t come on, the screen comes up but when I click on the sound application it doesn’t respond and even when I connect my phone to it ad I have a call d sound doesn’t come up
Hey y’all not car savvy. Can someone tell me exactly where I can find these wires in my trunk. I look and have no idea what I’m looking for.
I've bought two OEM radios that match the original radios part numbers, but both have no sound, won't play a CD, and can't change the sound equalizer setting on the screen. Both radios come on, and can change screens, and the back up camera works too. This is a VAN, so there isn't any amp in the trunk. No sound in any of the speakers. The connections to the car wiring are good, and even blew out the connections with compressed air to ensure a clean seating with the wiring.
Bikeman982 answered 5 years ago
Unbelievable! My radio stopped making any sound although everything was working and it looked fine. I googled this thread and read about the speaker in the trunk solution. I opened my trunk and found all the wires still connected but one had broken off the speaker itself. I pushed it together and the radio started working normally. I must have damaged it while putting my hockey bag into the trunk. Now I just have to permanently fix the connection. I was prepared to remove the radio and trace all tghe speaker wires, etc.
@chris did you ever get that fixed? I have the same issue. Toyota wants to charge $1400 to get it fixed they said the amplifier went out for no reason.
I have a 2014 RAV and the radio is going out (no sound). If I stop and turn the car off and back on again it works. This was happening ever once and a while but not it is happening every other day. Anyone have this happening?
I have 2010 Toyota Sequioa took it in to the dealership to have the rear back hatch latch and release switch fixed cost 817.00 went to pick my truck up yesterday got in and turn the volume up for the radio nothing no sound the screen shows something about the navigation dvd never gave me any trouble at all I need help can figure out what happen while there and also they discount my battery post to work on the back door
Ok, so I’m having the same problem but having trouble finding the wires y’all are speaking about. Can someone post a picture please? Thanks
Speaker In trunk was my issue. Radio working again. Thanks.
Where exactly are the wires that a lot of people are wiggling in the trunk? Sorry not car savvy does anyone have a photo ?
Get a ohm meter and check if you have power at the connection to speakers. If you have power most likely speaker is blown. Just did this to my FJ Cruiser had to replace 6 speakers.
SequoiaBDub18 answered 4 years ago
2008 Seqouia Platnium: Head unit went out, completely black. With the exception the lights on the buttons light up for exactly 3 seconds then go out. This happens every 30 seconds, it’s been like this for months and has never wavered on the timing of the lights. Loose wire?
Bikeman982 answered 4 years ago
I had the same problem on a 2012 Toyota Corolla. I found a wire had become disconnected on a rear speaker in the trunk. Reconnected it and everything works again!
Guru9JN1VP answered about a year ago
I don't know if this is still ongoing but I have the same problem in my 2010 Yaris YR and wondering if i should open up the door panels to check out the speakers.
Check the wiring of any amplifiers you have put in the cargo or boot area, especially if you built them yourself. When the radio is not producing sound, it may be because the amplifier, through which speaker wirings pass, has a problem.