1994 chevy suburban front door on passenger side sagging and now does not want to shut also the drvers side passenger door now won't un engage the lock so that I may open it. suggestions on fixing
Asked by migration_jjlm Jan 24, 2012 at 04:49 PM about the 1994 Chevrolet Suburban
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
1994 chevy sububan FRont passenger door sagging and rear drivers side passenger door won't unlock have used W-D 40 but no go
3 Answers
mwwoodspell answered 13 years ago
Your gromits are shot, the hinge pin goes through it. Heres a quick fix ! Lift the black plastic guard on the rocker panel and slide a long shim under it. check to see how low the door sags when you hold it closed that will give you an idea of how high to shim up. it worked so good I havn't touch my hinge/gromet problem yet fo 3 months. I used 14/2 romex wire. Hope this helps.
rear door, the door lock lever is jamed. causing not to unlock all the way. pull panel off the door. remove lil but if the whie pad right beside it, and pop the lever out of the door lock lever. then pull and move around will unlock the door. hope this helps. o and have order new door lock lever thing, tryen find one know
lol, really rigging a failed door pin? just replace them to fix the front door sag