I cannot find a tool to diagnose the computer on my 1983 Datson 280zx turbo. Anybody help?

Asked by bigshotrancher Dec 20, 2014 at 06:17 PM about the Datsun 280Z

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

computer reader????? cannot find one

14 Answers


Does that car use a nissan computer ? or a bosch ? Their old garbage had a method to check them at the part itself I had once heard. Sounds like you do not have the service manual to refer to. You can obtain that at a library perhaps. Some can find publications stored away and request them brought from archives if they were ever donated by their dealers to reference. Finding the ISBN first would really be a trick. I sometimes encounter old car manuals on e-bay during searches. Or there are hoarders who sell nothing but car manuals at swap meets. If you had a bosch system, you would want to identify which, then perhaps search by fuel system rather than make model and year? Hope this is helpful. That was how I Identified my german turd.

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This is done with the mar,s code theory,engine light blinking,it can be done from the the diagnostic connection under dash or hood,put a paper clip from the ten to ground on the connector,or use wire to cross the two,then turn key on,the engine light will flash three time,s,then go in to diagnostic mode,after the three blinks,count the flash,long one is ten,s and short one,s are one,s,you can look on you tube on how to do this,it,s simple then go google the code,s.

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Then you have a code.....for what... an emission part? a fuel system part. In 1983 the technology was not very advanced at all. Fuel computers were able to enhance the results of a correctly running engine. If you have a running engine. it could run still if you removed every thing. I would still try to understand what they meant. Try to find the nissan manual. But do not expect too much assistance from that system for what your car might need. Identify whose parts are there to add to your understanding.

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Hope you find something that helps. we did not get a description of a problem to discuss or parts in the system identified. Sometimes when you describe all that you experience, someone can respond from their experience. I have heard they are like either K-jetronic or Cis but That year? cannot be definite.


Googling it that way helps find answers by system. regardless of the car they put it on, the system gets diaged or adjusted the same. The books about theory of operation can be found by a librarian and you can read it on their computer. The specifics of testing and diag are probably just like the k-jet, but you can write in about that later when you get that far.


Kent Moore made an analyzer, model no. 28835, for Nissan for the 81 through 83 turbo zxs.This ECCS analyzer is almost impossible to find, but it is only tool able to properly diagnose ECCS system correctly.

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I may have one...we were a Datsun/Nissan dealer for 37 years and I have boxes of old Datsun/Nissan Kent Moore tool and Datsun/Nissan manuals.

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Jennifer - read your post on CarGurus about possibly have a J-28835 Kent Moore analyzer and am interested in purchasing it if you still have it. I'll check back on the forum for a reply. Thanks


Actually I have to look again, but the analyzer I was thinking of is actually the Kent-Moore J-25400. I have other tools, but I don't know about that J-28835. I will look. This J-25400 & j-25400-30 adapter is an Electronic Fuel Injection Analyzer


I did find the analyzer you were looking for ... The Kent-Moore J- 28835 ECCS analyzer . It looks like it was only used once or twice. The case is dusty from sitting on the shelf out in the shop. You can email me at j.fedorko@aol.com if u are interested or call 570-825-4581 and ask for jennifer

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Older import diagnostic equipment is getting tougher and tougher to find .I'd be iterested in some of those KM tools if youvare planning to sell ..after you and OldWyo finish negotiations of course .lol


I have a few diagnostic tools still available...The J-25400 & j-25400-30 adapter Electronic Fuel Injection Analyzer is still available, the J-23885 is sold, I have J-26350 Transistor Ignition Tester, and (picture) E.F.I. Analyzer model # MST 4802, J-28810 Automatic Air Conditioner Tester...what were you looking for?

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