Anyone know where to find a Datsun 510 project
Looking to pick up a Datsun 510 project in michigan. Mainly looking for a 2 door. But would consider a 4 door or a
wagon. Really interested in a Roller but willing look into projects at any stage of completion.
7 Answers
migration_mikloskira... answered 12 years ago
Try these web sites, ebay,,,hemming motor news, craigslist, facebook marketplace, for starters, then you can google your search as well. then try craigslist or ebay (Most are far too pricey tho ) Most of the cars are apparently made from Unobtanium.
I'm thinking about selling our 1978 Datsun 510 2dr hatchback automatic. If interested email me
I have a 1978 Datsun 510 2 dr automatic in excellent condition. It was my wife's grandmothers car and was given to her when she passed away. We trailered it home because it needed a battery. Once home I dropped a battery in it and took it for a ride to see how it drove, which was excellent. The has sat in the garage since about 2004 I think. Untouched all original. If anyone is interested please email me
Richard we bought the car from u my father drives it everyday I can't think u enough
Guru9QX8WG answered 3 years ago
I have a 510 that is disassembled prior to restoration but the job was barely started when death interrupted it. Also lots of extra parts.