03 ford tauras i replaced the air idle controle valve now idle is worse. would resetting the computer help??
Asked by ryanminten Dec 01, 2015 at 09:08 AM about the Ford Taunus
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I replaced the AIC now idle is way worse
2 Answers
Do you have any dtc's from the computer that may help with the suggested "fix"? Do you heat a sucking noise coming from the intake? Is the gasket still under the iac?
ryanminten answered 9 years ago
What is a dtc. No ducking noise and I made sure to remove the old gasket and put a new one in. I watched a video on how to reset the computer and I unhooked the negative cable and held it on the still hooked up positive for 10 min that seemed to of worked but it seems like when I get up to 50 mph or so and let off the gas it seemed to stay at that speed until I tap the brake. Wondering if the throttle body is dirty. It's just weird that all these problems happen right after I put the new iac. Shouldn't be any dirtier. Thanks alot for the help