How do infrequent, short trips affect a hybrid vehicle?
I am thinking about buying a 2018 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid, but I would like
to better understand how the type of driving that I do will affect this car.
My wife and I are both retired, and we own two vehicles. The number of
miles that we drive each year has dropped considerably since we retired. If I
buy a new Malibu Hybrid, it may get driven only 1500-2000 miles each year,
with most of those miles the result of 4-6 short trips per week, each perhaps
5-7 miles in length, that start with a cold engine. The car may sit unused in
the garage 3-4 days each week. How much will my fuel economy suffer
because of that kind of driving? Also, will the life of the hybrid battery be
adversely affected in any way?
Any info you can give me will be greatly appreciated!