What is draining my battery when the car is shut down and ignition key removed?


Asked by meoliver Jul 02, 2014 at 12:12 PM about the Buick Roadmaster

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I put in a quick disconnect so that the battery will not go dead on me.  i measure 1.67 amperes when key is removed through the disconnect.  I have removed every fuse and relay in the fusebox in the engine compartment and the instrument panel and it still draws 1.67A.  Any ideas?  This is a 96 buick roadmaster.

3 Answers


Sounds like you may have a wire that has been rubbing on some metal part of the car. Now it has started to wear through and is causing a slight short resulting in the current draw you see. Now that you have fuses removed. I would start (one at a time) unplugging any harness that run through the firewall and then check to see when the current drain stops.


I see three large wires coming off the + terminal of battery. I see one goes to the alternator; I assume the second goes to the starter, and not sure where the third one goes. Maybe if I can disconnect these one at a time I can get a clue which one has the 1.67A.

1 people found this helpful.

I would start there for sure. Again disconnect one at a time and that will help you narrow down your search.

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