if you were to get a supercharged v8 classic mustang and put it in a race with a dunno lets say a v6 ford focus turbocharged with a nitros injection system out of both whcih do u think would win?
5 Answers
depends on who was driving what, and experience.alot of times power has nothing to do with winning, it helps but alot is to do with the driver
the car with the the best power to weight ratio will win. if your talking about a drag race.
Like others said the power has nothing do with it completely everyone, mostly guys get that thought in mind that power horsepower being means everything, if u gave a weight and type of race especially that would help more but the power equipment a car has wont prove if it can win or not. either could win really driver also makes a factor into it you couldn't put a average person in the Focus against Micheal Shumacher in the Mustang and think the average person would win.
The mustang would win by far. First of all, the supercharger is way beter tan a turbocharger. So instantly, you are cranking out more horsepower in the mustang than the ford focas. And come on, its a v8, so it has many more horsepower anyways. Now the nitrus injection system wouldn't be that good, because you can't have that big of a spray of nitros on a v6 engine anyways compared to the nitros shot you could have in a v8 engine. So if I was to race them, i would say the mustang would win by a long shot.