I have a 200 Ford Windstar. The driver side electric window will not go all the way up. It goes down just fine. When rolling it up it to about 3 inches from the top and then I hear a rapid clicking sound in the window area. I can take my hand and bring the window up so rain will not come in. But I have to lower the window by hand about 3", until It reaches the part that holds the window and make it go up and down. Help would be much appreciated.
My driver side electric window will not go all the way up. It stops about 3" from the top. At that point it starts a loud rapid clicking. It goes down just fine. I can take my hands and bring the window up so rain will not come in. But I have to lower the window by hand about 3", until It reaches the part that holds the window and makes it go up and down. Help would be much appreciated.