Rain water going down duct vent
Asked by GuruMJ3PH Jun 04, 2020 at 07:27 PM about the Mercury Grand Marquis
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
The fresh air duct vent is directly below the open holes in the plastic cowl on passenger side. When rain water enters this duct will the water leak into car? Why is the duct vent in the position where water can drip into it from rain, not to mention when washing car?
3 Answers
No, water won't leak in the passenger's compartment because there's a drain in the heater box under the dash for the air conditioning condensation which also serves as a drain for rain water and water from washing the vehicle. If the drain becomes clogged, then water will accumulate in there and spill into the passenger's compartment. But that doesn't usually happen. Hope that helps! Jim
Than You. Where exactly is this drain so I can check it.
You're welcome. Glad to help! The drain is on the passenger's side of the engine compartment at the firewall. Hope that helps! Jim