2005 Mercury Marquis - A/c still intermittently blowing after blower replacement
2005 Mercury Marquis - Complaint was no airflow from a/c ducts (regardless of mode) Power at one point was not present at motor/harness connector. Simple fix right, replace the motor. Replaced motor, still not working. OK, it's electronic controls, so let's reboot the thing, battery disconnected 10 minutes, reconnected, and wallah, it works... (for a while, see next paragraph). I'm still amazed and dumbfounded. So just for grins, I test the old motor with direct 12v, and it works! Owner / friend, 90 year old from my church, says leave the new one in, at least it works. Makes little sense to me, but hey, wasn't breaking the bank.
Then my 90 year old friends have a $4k front end/side fender accident. AC still works. All repaired, all good. Then they hit a bump and the blower quits again. He hits another bump and it starts, then another and it stops. (I know, avoid the bumps right, ...) He taps on the evaporator in the engine and the blower starts. Then he asks me to troubleshoot what's working. No joy. It still works and nothing found wrong.
Murphy lives, and it will stop again. Then what? I tried disconnecting the ?sensor? on top of the evaporator, and the blower keeps running, but the cold air turns warm. Duh. Put the connector back and the cold air returns. OK no loose wire there because the blower kept running. Since the blower runs at various speeds and voltage at the blower is speed setting dependent, I rule out the resistor pack. Fuses are good.
What I need now are other ideas for what is going wrong. Obviously I need to see it in failed mode again but that will come. Thanks for any help. - Rick