bmw x 5 wont start
its been fine jet washed it was driving it for about an hour afterwards then went in to shop
came back out and wouldnt start it sounded like it wanted to but wouldnt left it for an hour
then went back to it and it started so drove home and now it wont start again
3 Answers
You could have moisture in any number of electrical connections, but more than likely an ignition lead. You could also have a loose lead. I would start at the starter and move back to the battery and then the ignition. Check your fuses while you are at it to be safe.
Do you smell any fuel smell while cranking it? Does the vehicle start then die at all?
2008 BMW X5 3.0si some time doesnt start ! when i boost then start its seems good ..when stop it doesnt start ,,but later its seem very normal , just want to make sure it is only battery problem as people often says