how to change radiator fluid
3 Answers
There is a pet cock valve on the bottom of the radiator, open it. If you can't find it, just take bottom hose off, and please, ethylene glycol anti freeze tastes good to animals catch a dispose properly. If you can do it safely, where it will not drain in the wrong place, turn on heater, (put hose back or close valve) put a garden hose in the radiator and run water in while car is running, petcock open, let it flush maybe 5 to 10 minutes, drain again then refill with pre diluted 50/50 or 1/2 full strength anti freeze 1/2 water, run the car, top off. You may have to top it off several times, and if you live somewhere it gets to 20 below or the like, go about 70/30 coolant water
Amydestiny answered 9 years ago
How do I change radiator water in a 1992 jeep Cherokee