2007 Honda CRV won't accept code
Have to reset my car radio after battery died. Have the code but when trying
to put it in, it beeps before all the numbers are entered & the CODE word
starts blinking. Am I missing a step before entering the code??? Can't seem
to find an answer to this anywhere.
4 Answers
perhaps the code reader needs new batteries....try one of these 16 dollar ones...it will reset the trouble codes for ya~
http://www.ebay.com/itm/OBDII-2-CAN-Reset-Check-Engine-Light- Auto-Code-Reader-Diagnostic-Tool-Scanner-/111352530771? hash=item19ed20c753:g:zc4AAOxy7vJTcYhm&item=11135253077 1&vxp=mtr
Ok.....will look into that! Thanks for the feedback!
Cgarcia_24 answered 8 years ago
isconnect the battery for a few min and then reconnect the terminals at that point push and hold radio preset buttons 1 & 6 while holding 1 & 6 push the power button ( don't need to hold) and write down the serial number that shows up on the display. Then you need to call Honda and ask them for the radio code. The radio could have been replaced.