having problems starting my truck...sometimes when i turn my key it will make no noise...sometimes it sounds like my battery is dead..sometimes turns over slow..please help
6 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
,,,yes well assure that your battery is newer than five years old that way the starter will get the CCA (cold cranking amps) that it needs...what we have here is corrosion blocking steady ground and issuing "brown power"...What you need to do is disconnect the fat ole 1/0awg Cable that is your main ground comin' off the battery at the spot where it bolts to the ground/chassis then wirebrush the lug and the territory that it bolts to with a coarse wirebrush for a three hundred amp connection...with your NEW battery will see full potential as long as the 1/0 connection to the motor (near the alternator) is also able to pull the big amps without corrosion bothering the connection...comprendez~~?
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
wirebrush the black cable end and where it connects...okay?...angry, scratchy wirebrush...borrow uncle jimmy's barbeque brush if need be~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
There are "knock-off" labels identifying the date/year of the first charge....the replacement vendors WILL issue a "pro-rate" on your oldie for a discount on your NEW one~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
...and recycle it....it has some acid, and a tin/antimony alloy, but not LEAD...no good for the environment...does not behave like the lead ones, but will degrade not accepting a charge ten percent per year so five is risking doing some dis-service to the alternator as it bakes trying to charge a battery that ain't takin' a charge...got it?~
THEY DO NOT PUNCH THE bats any more they scan them an give you a recied
Inspect battery connections to make sure that they are all tight and clean. Also inspect negative battery connection on frame and motor. They also need to be clean and tight. I strongly suspect you have a connection/battery issue. Also check connections on the starter. If all this checks out have starter tested.