how can I get rid of ignition noise in a 2013 Chevy Silverado? Installed a ham radio transceiver and get ignition noise. Heard it is due to the COP (coil on plug) design.
1 Answer
Having no clue but in an attempt to be helpful, pasted from wiki: As a minimum, the engine hood needs to be electrically bonded to the car body. This is usually done with a short length of flexible copper braid that clips to the sheet metal of the hood and the sheet metal of the car body. Additionally, the 12VDC power supply to the radio should incorporate an electrical filter to prevent electrical noise from entering the radio via its power connection. Third, the antenna cable from the radio to the antenna needs to be shielded and the shield must be in good condition, with no breaks from the radio chassis to the point where it connects to the external antenna.