Buying a used car for the first time?
This is my first time buying a used car & I have lots of questions. I have
scouted few cars locally and have been weighing the ups & downs. If
someone could help me make the right decision, it would be extremely
helpful. My budget is somewhere around 10k.
1) I have been thinking of getting an EV instead of gas but one thing that has
been turning me away is the battery life. I read that the battery life decays
overtime and particularly if you are living somewhere warm. The state I am
from, it does get warmer. What's your take on this? I do see some good
deals for nissan leaf but I don't wish to spend 7-9k for its battery
2) On the other hand, I see Pontiac Solstice 2007 but how is the upkeep &
repair when needed for this car? vs a Mazda Miata MX5 2006? both are
around 50+k in mileage.
3) What would be a good mileage when buying a used car? Someone told
me if its Honda or Toyota, its ok to buy if its 65+k.
Your help is highly appreciated