Cars with well-designed AC systems
Are there any well-regarded vehicle models that have well-designed AC
systems in regards to clearing out moisture after AC use to prevent
mold/mildew buildup?
A couple years ago bought a 2022 Toyota Prius and have had terrible mold
issues in the AC system. I've tried everything either I or Toyota could think of
to fix the issue and have basically been told to live with it. I have an auto-
immune condition that is reactive to mold so that is not an option for me. I've
never had a car with issues like this before the Prius. Looking to buy
something else. It seems like a lot of the well-regarded car brands all have
issues with this: Toyota, Honda, Subaru, etc. Only thing I've found is some
GM models have an afterblower feature that dries out the AC condenser after
the car is turned off.
Any great suggestions? Thank you!