How can I stop your emails and tracking ads-- I bought a car and am no longer in the market?--HELP please!


Asked by hartah1 Aug 01, 2014 at 07:39 PM

Question type: General

Please stop sending me dealer ads and emails and tracking me? You were a big help--BUT-- I am happy --I bought a car -- and want the ADs to STOP! Thanks for any help-- I no longer need/want contacts and emails and tracking !

5 Answers


At the bottom of the emails you should have a place to select option to end emails.

2 people found this helpful.

the tracking ads normally last 30 days for most advertisers, if your using apps like Facebook they add pixels to almost all major website and they sell data tracked and other dealerships websites you went to follow you as well as 3rd party websites.

1 people found this helpful.

car ads pop up and I tried to delete it. It gets on my nerves because I am not interested in them. Thank you.

6 people found this helpful.

Please stop the car ads. I have purchased a vehicle, so no longer need or want the outragous and obnoxious ads. They did not even help me locate my car.

3 people found this helpful.

Never ever look at CarGurus. You will never ever be able to stop them. The most annoying ad ever fukn hate cargurus

7 people found this helpful.

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