Why is your web site the most unresponsive of all of its type. Trying to open the "model" and other selection narrowing windows is frustrating. Some don't operate. You must fix it!! As it is I am now going to autotrader to search. Your site is basically non functional.
I explained above. You site is non functional. Many selection boxes do not work. This is
from the stone age.
6 Answers
Ok thanks for stopping by to bash this site. Have fun with Autotrader.
5 people found this helpful.
First of all,if you want to comment to the big guru,click the orange(?) button at bottom right of the screen,and tell him what you want,he want see it here,this is a public forum.
5 people found this helpful.
You must have a slow internet connection. I just went and looked up a few different vehicles with no problems and it was very fast.
4 people found this helpful.
Auto trader sux anyway,been there done that,GURU is number three in car sale,s ,,,Auto trader is number Five,,
4 people found this helpful.
Hey T.S.T. like my dear old daddy used to say. " You buy 'em books and they chew on the covers"
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