why when you searching used cars you are limited to 100 mile radius


Asked by Carl Nov 23, 2015 at 04:19 PM

Question type: Shopping & Pricing

The 100 mile radius limitation on used cars is real hindrance and needs to be
changed. Is there a way around. Especially for areas that has small

5 Answers

There is no limit on the radius, Just click on the radius and select up to a nationwide search.


An incorrect answer!! My search radius is LIMITED to 100 miles. When I open the drop down tab on mile radius, the wider search options, such as nationwide, are shaded and do not respond to being chosen or clicked upon.

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Whatever the cause is for this limitation of searching beyond 100 miles, it is very irritating. The immediate result is that many potential customers, including me, who might search and buy through CarGurus are being turned away. I have properly logged in, started a new search for a used car and am limited in my search options to 100 miles. WHY! With no appropriate answer or fix evident, I will now proceed to AutoTrader, etc., where there are no such limitations. Thank you and goodbye.

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I was told through one of these "helpful" forum posts that you must register...well here I am, a registered user, posting to the forums. This is STILL an issue. One friend told me this site is better to search, but when I'm willing to travel for a car but can't search beyond 100 miles, I'll head back to craigslist and AutoTrader. Thanks but no thanks. It's the weirdest and most pointless thing to SHOW options beyond 100 miles, but not let me use them.

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