1996 Toyota Corolla DX 1.8 Water pump

Asked by GuruW5LP3 Apr 19, 2018 at 05:54 PM

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I recently had a local mechanic installed a new water
pump on my 1.8 Corolla. I bought the parts and he
installed, but I came to realize that the water pump that
was installed was for a 1.6 engine rather than the 1.8
which I own. As soon as I realized I checked the water
pump to verify that he had indeed replaced the old which
he did, the part look new and as far as I can tell it’s the
one I bought. I explained the problem to him he said that
everything fit okay, and that he measured it and it
everything was okay. The car seem to be running fine so
far, it’s been a week. My question is wheaten anyone has
had experience with this, will this have any negative affect
on the engine?

2 Answers

Look up the parts numbers for each one. If they are the same then no worries. Apparently your mechanic thought they were the same thing.

The problem is the parts number are not the same. But the mechanics states that he measured it and everything was/is the same.

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