Filter No price listed

Asked by Bguffb10 Jan 02, 2019 at 03:04 PM

Question type: Shopping & Pricing

Is there a way to filter when cars have No Price Listed?'s very annoying and
kind of defeats the purpose of trying to find a specific price point for a car.

5 Answers


In order to filter out the ads that do not list the sales price, you have to check all of the Deal rating boxes except the No Price Listed and Uncertain boxes.

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Leaving no price analysis unchecked just stops all private sellers from being displayed! It does nothing to stop 'no price listed' listings from being displayed. And leaving uncertain unchecked does not resolve the issue either. So win_win give your head a shake! They have no filters for this that I can find and that should be addressed. This is a lousy site anyway very unresponsive.

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The best workaround I've found is... When you are in the search results, change the sorting method to "lowest price first". This will place all of the listings without prices at the end of the search. This won't filter them out, but makes it so you don't have to wade through them to find the ones in your price range. I hope this helps.

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