1993 mazda pickup: Coolant change.
How do go about changeing the coolant?
I'm not sure where the drain plugs are and the procedure!
Thanks in advance.
2 Answers
It is always possible that your radiator does not have a drain plug... My Lincoln does not have one. So first thing you need to do it remove the radiator cap, then get under that car and remove the lower radiator hose and let the coolant spill into a drain pan... It will come out quick so be ready to get some coolant on you. Then get a garden hose and run water through the radiator to flush out any old coolant or loose corrosion that is in there. Now replace the lower radiator hose, fill the radiator with coolant, purge the cooling system of air and you're good to go.
Also, you truck probably has a coolant drain plug... It is almost always located on the bottom of the radiator.