98 Answers
Is this light on the instrument cluster, along with other warning lights? Or if not where? I could find no reference to "AT warning" or "AT light" and all kinds of combinations like that. AT is usually Automatic Transmission, so could you please explain in detail where the light is, red, yellow, anything else you can tell me. if in doubt, say it, got me really curious...please come back....okay? I'd like to help.
Definitely means "Automatic Transaxle" Warning Light on the Mazda (see pic below). If you are NOT low on Automatic Transmission fluid, then get your car serviced ASAP, as there might be something more serious going on.
Thanks Racer for the help. Good morning
Hey there David....I hopped on here early this AM before work. Hope you're having a good evening! @Theodore...did you check your AT fluid level? Is it low or what? Hopefully, you've figured out what to do at this point...If you are in serious doubt, have it looked at by a mechanic.
If a t light on mean transmission overheating need a flush and filter change usually over heat cause filter clogged if u in Pennsylvania ,Newjersy or deware try the mobile mechanic they come to you call 2674071967
AT warning light would come on and my car would jerk as if shifting gears and I have an automatic (Mazda 3). Yesterday took to the dealer and did a diagnostic. I had to replace the two speed sensor and did a transmission flush as that was also causing the AT light to turn on. This is what the dealer told me. I really do not understand these things but he explained and I agreed. Not cheap but definitely needed. More expensive if the transmission goes out (that would be really expensive). Car today is driving like a newborn. Get it checked out.
Mine just started also. Very scary driving and unsafe..shifts gears without warning and slows down. Will take to dealer. Hope don't need new Tranny
just to add to my similar fluids not fact were very full and I also have automatic Mazda3.
My Mazda 5 felt like it shifted gears tonight and I briefly saw AT3 flash in red on dashboard. Check Engine light came on. I drove about 5 miles home with no other jerking but Check Engine still on.
Hi I have a 2004 Mazda 6 4cyl... My AT light popped on this morning and then I started having trouble starting it... First thing I noticed when it was barely starting I would hear-feel a hard thump/clunk noise so to speak and then followed by a struggling start and now I can't even jump it to start it... What does this mean?
Have a Mazda 5 the same at light and check light came last night this morning the car is not moving
I have a 04 3i sedan. Last year it did what many of the model does and quit shifting beyond 2nd gear. Had to replace transmission. I've recently been hearing a "whoop whoop"sound that speeds up and down with acceleration. Then the other day at the atm after driving150 miles or so it wanted to stall and the AT light came on. I turned it off and back on and no more light and drove it home. Still got the" whoop whoop" though. Which seems to be getting louder. Haven't drove it since. Sorry, not really an answer but a question. The whoop?
Hello racer_x You can help me define that means light ( Security indicator light) I have a 2007 Mazda6
hello please help me on this same issue ! Recently i changed my ATF and after that i am getting this probem My AT Signal turn on and it goes very heavy ! but when i start key switch on/off.. it gone and again come after 2/3 minutes! i checked my ATF gauge ! its showing little low around more 500~600 ml need to fill that gauge
Eddiethedon answered 8 years ago
I have a 09 mazda premacy. My AT light started flashing and car felt like gears slipping and jerking. Now the car has completely stopped....HELP!!
Check your transmission control module
BigRed2010 answered 8 years ago
I have an 08 Mazda 6 2.3l engine, the yellow AT light popped on the other day and has been on every since. The car was jerking and slipping in between gears, now when the car sits over night the car shifts regularly up until gear 4 it never shifts into gear 5. After the car has been driven for a long amount of time the car stays in gear 3 even though I can reach to 80 and the rpm stuck at 6 what is the problem
BigRed2010 answered 8 years ago
I also tried the Lucas transmission fix I notice a smoother ride but still stuck in 3rd gear, I will see the full result when I wake up
Pdrummond12 answered 8 years ago
My At light kept going on and off then after a week my battery died. If I replace the battery will the at light still come on
My wife has a 2007 Masada 6. The AT light came on after a bad cold front came through the our area. The transmission seemed to lag a bit and occasionally jump when shifting. When connected to a diagnostic computer no codes were give.... long story short, I needed to replace my transmission fluid filter and transmission fluid. Now it runs like a top! I can not believe the difference! If I had taken it to the dealership in would have a huge bill. The filter was $15 and the fluid was $8 a qt and I needed total of 8. This took me most of the day because I took my time. Good luck to you....and don't forget to check on YouTube for videos also. Good luck.
Commander_7788 answered 8 years ago
I took my son's car to AAA after the car began making a loud putt sound and the AT light began to flash on the dash causing the car not run beyond 2nd or 3rd gear. The diagnosis test on his car revealed that the rear transmission motor mount & the Transmission Input Speed Sensor had to be replaced. This solved the problem.
In my Mazda the AT warning is by the Driver signal and stopped working the transmission properly, do you think it is transmission problem?
AT signal light comes on for couple secs & then goes back off ea. time you start your Mazda 3 ?? Here's what it is......
Hello, the AT and Check Engine lights came on for my 2008 Mazda 3. I checked the AT fluid and it was very low, so added a quart, shifted through the gears and drove for five miles. Everything seems fine now, but the lights won't go off. Should they go off on their own if the problem was resolved? Or does a mechanic with special tools have to be the one to turn the lights off? Or does this indicate that there is still an issue? Help! Thanks - I am a single mom that recently moved to a new city and do not know anyone here yet that I can ask, or even know a good shop yet! LF
2008 mazda3. My car will shift very well from gear 1 all the way to 3 and it gets stuck there but i can reach upto 100km/h on gear 3. the check engine light is on and just today the AT indicator came on. I changed the AT Fluid just a week ago. What might be the problem??
Rear smash to my car from other vehicle smashing me and 2 days later car jerking and now engine light on then car started stalling and AT light and car with traction lines both now on dash screen Mazda Penrith won't say it could of been caused from the smash. I said has to be cause from smash as if not I would not of been in that place when my car smashed as I couldn't drive my car as it stalls and jerks all the time. How could it be a coincedense?? Insurance won't fix it as Mazda won't put in writing could of been from the accident. Help urgently as I have no car and still sitting 4 days later with Mazda plus $70 to pay them to tell me ATM and some pulse not communicating and cost to fix over $1600
Stacey3068 answered 7 years ago
Output speed shaft or input speed shaft sensor(s). I had to replaced both and problem was resolved.
Something I noticed, When my car is on Park and I start it up and jump straight to reverse the car jerks and the AT lights comes on...but when I get it from Park straight to Neutral the AT doesnt come up, so what I do when I start it up I go from park to neutral then Drive and set it up to manual mode so I can control it so it wont go past 3...the AT light will only come on it you manually put it on gear 4 or when on auto and it tries to go to gear 4 the AT will pop imediately. So 3 days ago I did as I always do...park straight to neutral then Drive and manual mode, when I got to a good tarmac road I switched it back to auto and funy thing the AT didn't show and I was cruising upto gear 5 the ride was smooth for almost 40km...and all of a sudden the AT came back on...
The AT light, how do i get rid of it....i took my car to another mechanic and the error code was p0661, the p0735 that was indicated by another mechanic was absent totaly. Now am really i change the TCM or the shift solenoid or the Secondary Shutter Valve Low Input?
I have the same problem as every one my Mazda 3 2008 model started that problem of At light it shift fine from gear 1 to 3 then stuck there what must I do do this mechanics want to me to replace the gearbox that I think is not necessarily
Hi David, in my case what my mechanic did was replace the TCM and the car could shift normaly to all gears though the tcm replaced doesn't match my previous one it's doing the job quite fine. Replacing the gearbox should be the last option and it's not cheap either.
Hey Brian, about how much did it cost to replace the TCM
The tcm that matches my cat costs about 100k Kenya shillings that includes shipping and duty. The tcm am using isn't a tiptronic type but works well on D. My mechanic gave me at 20000 Kenya shillings...paid an extra 8 for labour. Dollar rate is at 103.9. Divide by that.
I have a 2008 Mazda 3. Right at around 100k miles, this happened to me. I had the transmission serviced and spent a lot of money on work related to the transmission, but it ended up being a bad system computer. That's also something to think about.
Hi GuruDXT3V after changing the computer it worked fine??? I changed the computer on my car and the car was working fine...yesterday I noticed it skips gear 2...goes from 1 jerks the car and jumps to 3..all the other gears switch just fine it's only the 2nd gear I dont get...and why does the car jerks so hard like that??? Kinda scary at times...
Hey, when the AT light is on it couldn't change the gear
Hi Brian. Following closely on your story. I seem to have kinda the same experience. Had my tcm for my mazda 5 repaired but it still won't shift to gear 4. Having p034 error and I fear that I may replace the tcm with a new one and the problem persist....reconsidering buying a new gearbox
This problem is really confusing and frustrating, my TCM is LFS3-18-9E1A. I cant get this TCM number anywhere, i am not even sure if this will solve the problem, right now am using a different one, its shifting gears but the car jerks during the shifts, and it skips gear 2. Anyone who has ever solved this issue to please give a response. Im still having the AT and check engine light.
My AT light is on And my TCS/DSC vehicle with the swerving lines Amber yellow lights are on I just thought of my car coming out to work that night and then the car struggle to go anywhere struggle to's take off this is before I bought the car I noticed I never had the gearshift light up in the center consul but in the cluster it's fine that lights up but with the AT light on automatic trans axle light Malfunction failure lights must be something related too the Cv axle on the passenger side goes into the intermediate shaft that been clicking ever since I bought the car like something is broken I never got the chance to change that one out because it's two pieces maybe that has something to do with the computer thrown the AT light on from the TCM. Please correct me if I'm wrong but won't just replacing the powertrain power control module AT pcm computer won't fix the problem isn't there something mechanically that's broken that causes the light to come on too? I'll be my first guess fix the mechanical then worry about the computer or at least try toO diagnostic the parts before replacing it then going to the electrical part then diagnostic that
My AT warning light has come on twice in the past month. A 2005 Mazda 3 Hatchback 97,000 miles. The first time, it felt like the gear had slipped out when I drove out of car lot. I parked car and turned it off and AT light disappeared when I restarted. No problems for a month until today. The AT light came on today and the manual M part of transmission would not go from 1, 2,3 or 4 but the D auto transmission worked fine. I parked and turned off car, light and problem disappeared upon restart. I'm hoping it is a fluid level, sensor or computer issue. I I will check fluid level and disconnect battery so that computer can "reset." If it happens again, I'm going to a tranny shop. Any ideas/input appreciated.
EnquiringMind7 answered 7 years ago
I have a Mazda 3 2010 and recently the AT light comes on randomly, the car briefly jerks/pops then stops and keeps going- it happened 6 times today on my way to work. I took it to my mechanic yesterday and he could not get any computer code reads. He checked transmission oil and said it was fine but a jiffy lube guy told me it was dirty and had a lot- he told me to call the dealership and ask if recommendable to get a transmission fluid flush at this point- I hate not knowing much about cars. Any help you could give would help. Could dirty transmission oil cause problem?
If your tranny fluid is pink or red color it probably still has life. When it turns purple or black it is clearly worn. I have not flushed mine for 50,000 miles. All I do is siphon a quart from the top dip stick and add a new quart. It stays pink. Of course, some metal bits and dirt will remain in drain pan with the siphon technique, but it has work for me on 2 cars without issue. I don't know how long you had this car, but my model is known to make an occasional rough pop going into second gear. It is widely reported without consequences or damage. Anyways, you may have to take it for a diagnostic code read while the motor is still running. If you turn car off and restart, then AT disappears. I disconnected my negative batt terminal to reset computer and no problems for 24 hours. Hopefully, you have an electrical issue (computer or speed sensor) rather than mechanical. If you has a major problem, the tranny would allow you to use maybe 2 gears to get to a station. I've read they are defaulted this way.
I have mazda 3 2006 146,000 km. Having pretty much same issues as reported above. Car is currently sitting at a transmission shop, they have said the transmission is good, it was serviced 2 years ago.... the mechanic there has told me the Transmission control module needs to be replaced because on computer is not talking to the other computer. We are looking to get used one could cost up to 1000 or order new for 2000. My concern is if I put a used one in it may fail again.
I having all these similar issues eith code P0753 shift solenoid a electrical and P0841 transmission fliud pressure sensor at light comes car drive up to 80 to 100 but you have force it and trip tronic # arent therr doesnt work was going to take it to mister transmission
My car still runs after 3 months of AT light problems. Like I said before, once it is warmed up, there is no problem. When I cold start it, AT light sometimes appears. I restart engine and AT light and problem disappears. I can get around problem by letting it fully warm up in park. The theory is that once the engine and tranny warm, metal parts expand or become unstuck.
How do I check for low transmission fluid
There is a transmission dip stick under the hood closer to the dashboard. Look in owners manual for how to read dipstick. There will be different readings based on whether car has been cold or running.
I have Mazda 5 2008. Last week AT light came and no auto gear shifting.When i go to P or R it jerks. Changed the Transmission filter and flushed all fluid but problem is still there. Today i started and same problem of AT and no auto shifting..but after warm up of 30 minutes AT light went away and car works fine. but the problem is when i parked and again after 5 minutes start the same problem is there..Suggestions are welcome. Thanks
take it to auto parts store (if possible) for a free code read.
UPDATE on 2005 Mazda 3: I siphoned out (through dip stick) 2 quarts of old tranny fluid and added 2 new quarts of Castrol Transmax Import Multi Vehicle fluid. The AT light has not come on in 4 or 5 days. I also bought a cheap $9 input speed sensor on ebay. But there is no need to install it as car is now OK. So it appears that my tranny fluid was old or that I had previously used wrong fluid. So if is just the AT light without the Check Engine Light, replacing some or all of fluid might work.
Hi All, first owner 2004 6, 2.3, AT light & CEL popped on matter what speed I was going (on the freeway kinda sucked) it threw the tranny into 3rd and locked it in gear until the AT light went off! The CEL light stayed on for a few days. When both warning lights popped on, the car hesitated from a stop and then kicked in....worse cold, worse on low fuel (???) . Read great articles on here....had my Tech replace the Turbine Sensor #1?, same problem, recently replaced the Speed Sensor, problem gone! Thought I'd be opening the housing or replacing some module...if felt very solenoidal! (not a word, description only)! Trans shifts perfectly! Seems to be way common!!! TSB out there? Anyhoo, first mechanical issue in 12 years, not too bad!
Thanks for suggestions..but the situation is , as i discussed before that after 10 minutes of warm-up the AT light goes away and car is in normal position and shifting is normal.but as soon as i parked the car and again restart after some time it needs again another 10 minutes to warm-up and to let-go AT light. while AT light is on, no auto shifting gear..only 2nd or 3rd shifting..until its warm up.. Dont know its sensor issue,or which type of sensor??Can any body sujjest plz??? Thanks Guys. Taniya.
Taniya, have you tried getting a code read? Also, I figure if it is better to have AT light go on rather than both AT and Engine light. If you turn car off and restart, does AT light go away? Maybe you need a tranny fluid change.
Yup, i had code read but no code was there..its all clear. also i have changed transmission oil,but still AT light is there..but after 10-15 minutes warm up AT light goes away and Transmission goes to normal..means Shifting is ok..
Tanya, I came onto this late....don’t even know which Mazda but......if it locks in 3rd gear until that light goes off, try replacing the Speed Sensor. $50 part, totally solved my 2004 6’s issue. Mine was CEL and AT, as soon as the AT light went off, trans shifted fine. I popped a P0715 for the record... thank you to try me...792
Thanks Annie, i will try this..but sometimes when i start my car, AT light doesn't come at all , and Trans shifting is ok, but some times the same issue...
Mine is a 2008 Mazda 3. Error code is P0732. I have both the AT and CE warning light. The car only does gear 1and 3 n thats skips 2nd gear. Jerks from P to R and P to D. Someone please assist.
i had the same problem AT light and engine light on, car shifting gears. Took it to the dealer yesterday and they changed the AT Speed sensor. I picked up my car today and after an hour of driving the lights are back on along with the other problems.
Hi Everyone I have a Mazda 3 2006. Starts fine but after getting warmed up it jerks hard when in 4 or 5th gear - has done it many times on the interstate or on side roads. Doesn't seem the gear number on the control panel is reading it right - will stay in 5th gear until I come to a complete stop (even though I don't think I am in 5th gear) the AT light will briefly come on when this happens then go off. Sometimes car will lurch a bit when stopped at a red light when I have my foot on the brake. We have had the transmission flushed (it was very dirty) and twice looked at by an mechanic and the Mazda dealer. Dealer re-calibrated the Torque Converter Module, checked the pins to make sure all were in alignment, and did some code reads. Could not get a code read on this. They suggested to replace the TCM, mechanic suggested replace the entire transmission. Now they are saying take it a Transmission shop and have them look at the programming. Any ideas or does this sound familiar?
It seems mechanics often give faulty advice on tranny issues. No engine light? My AT light would come on with cold starts. Once warm, no problem. To remove AT light I would stop then restart engine. I siphoned 2 qts of tranny fluid and added 2 fresh quarts and problem disappeared for about a month. AT light has come on again. So my thinking is that I need a complete flush and filter change. Your tranny filter possibly has a magnet pan which holds a lot of the worn metal bits and needs to be changed if it is "full" . That's a guess. My car is an 2005 Mazda 3. The loose metal bits could obstruct speed sensor function as the speed sensor also has a magnetic like function. Again, just a theoretical guess.
ok. I went to 3 different repair shops and each one refused to even look at my tranny when I explained problem. One even said you need a new tranny without even looking. It seems that mechanics are very defensive about doing any transmission work. They want to cover their a$$. If you have done a flush at a place every 3 years, they have a record and will do it, but not out of the blue.
AprilOrtiz0404 answered 6 years ago
So I switched Engines on my 2007 Mazda6 for a Ford Fusion engine . Everything seems to work well except the got dang AT light and the car doesn’t move forward or reverse . Any suggestions?
If you switched engines, then I'm surprised you would ask such a question. It should be within your range.
AprilOrtiz0404 answered 6 years ago
GuruZ48FP switching engines is not that difficult , this is my fifth one . But it is my first time using a different engine from a make and model. So it’s my first time to run into this problem . So any answers GURU?
I have a Mazda 6 2007 that will not shift after 3rd gear. I had a transmission flush and filter change and ran excellent after but now it's doing the same thing and my AT light came on. What does this mean again?
2008 Mazda AT light is on. Shop thinks transmission needs replaced. I've read the computer had a bad program from the factory. Should be reflashed. I've also read it could be the TCM. transmission control module Codes p0732 2nd gear incorrect ratio p0734 4th gear incorrect ratio P0744 TCC Circuit intermittent Any suggestions??
Also in limp mode 1st and 3rd gear only
17Derrick, you can try replacing the speed sensor yourself. I don't know if it will solve your problem, but a replaced transmission is usually not a practical choice. If that's what it needs, you can consider replacing the car.
I am not buying mazda ever again!! never ever..!
It's on the dash along with other warnings coming on as well also stuck in 3rd gear
I haven't fixed it yet but will be doing so soon. The conclusion is that i need a new gear box. We have isolated the problem to that. There is nothing we haven't tried. At the moment my car isn't moving. Only works with 1st gear. It cant even go up an ant hill. When the mechanics tell you to replace the tranny, please do, they have a reasoN
Gearbox is very expensive my story is painful coz i sent someone to get me this car from Durban last week it seems to me that he came with it in that very condition
In my case we have tries every means possible, from solenoids to speed sensors, tranny fluid...we have testes it for 3 weeks running. Replaced the TCM. I know the gearbox is expensive but if its the only option i have i will just have to do it. Took my car CMC who are the Mazda dealers and they told me the same thing. It will cost me about 70k kenya shillings to get the transmission, plus another 5k labour to fit it.
gearbox cannot be fixed ?? only needs to be replaced?? @Brian
It can be fixed, depends on how damaged it is. Mine is so damaged the only gear i have left is gear 1 and 5
mine goes from gear 1,2,3 it doesnt reach 4 & 5 it jerks sometimes from Park to Reverse the mechanic says i meed an original mazda transmission fluid
I got a Mazda 5 2008,my gearbox cracked and leaked the whole ATF, which I didn't know till when I refilled and after a few kms it drained the whole stuff and stalled! Mech said its beyond repair so i got another transmission and a different TCM though not exactly as the original as it refused to work with the new transmission. Car is moving well but jerks sometimes on the Reverse gear,Problem now is the AT and check engine lights are still their,tried to erase but no success. What can be the issue?
Original mazda transmission fluid, bro i have tried that several times it didnt work, mine used to behave just like that, gear 123 only..i changes tcm and used one for mazda premacy, it worked with all the gears except 2nd gear..3rd gear started dieng slowly to a point now when the car is in 3rd gear you can floor it and it wont accelerate...its gone too. All i have now is gear advice..get a new transmission it will save you all the trouble. I am replacing mine soon i will give you a feedback..after doing all the tests am positive of the end result.
how long have you been owning this car Brian? mine also turns a brand new oil from red to very black like there is a slurge please DM on instagram @Kgomieh_babies
Hey guys, i was driving my wife's Mazda 6 this morning when the AT and ABS warnings popped up. Upon reading the manual, i found that the AT (Auto Transaxel) is actually an electrical issue. Totally not what i expected! I can work on trucks all day long, but im completely clueless when it comes to cars, especially crappy little foreign cars. I read through most of the comments on here about this particular issue, and noticed that no one really mentioned their brakes. When my AT WARNING light comes on, the car seems to be reving itself, and i completely lose my brakes, and emergency brake as well. How are the brakes being affected by an electrical issue? I realize i also mentioned the ABS light was on, but the manual suggests my brakes should still function as normal. Yes, my brake fluid is full.
My 2006 Mazda 3 AT light would come on randomly and go away after 5 mins. Usually after a heavy rain. This time it was on for 2 weeks and was stuck in 3rd. Rpm reving up to 7 at 50 mph , etc well I just wanted to let you guys that are having the same problem know that all I did was disconnect the battery and unplug the transmission module and all the other sensors and plug them back in and it’s all back to normal now
I have a 92 Miata want to know what this light mean even when the car is off still on
I have a mazda 3 2011 with 60000 km. AT light would come on randomly and go away after 5 mins and it jerks. We have had the transmission flushed but didn't work. what's your Idea?
just recently I had an issue with my mazda 3 2010 relating to the TCM. A week ago, my care on way to work jerked a couple of times and the AT light turned on momentarily. I took it to mazda and initially they could not find any codes, nor replicate the issue. So I drove my car back home and on the way, it did it again, the jerk motion and AT light turned on. I went back to mazda, the mechanic and I drove it for about 20 min to see if it happens again, but it did not. Next day, it happened again as I was heading to work. then, later that day, the check engine line turned on for the first time. Mazda was able to read the codes, this time and find out that the PCM lost communication with the TCM. The TCM was replaced and so far my car is working fine.
melissaasshley answered 5 years ago
I have a 2011 Mazda 3 2.5, it has over 150 thousand miles. And while I was driving my car on the freeway it started to make a weird noise and the RPMs were really high and i was only going 20 because there was a lot of traffic. The “AT” in yellow came out on the service thing and I didn’t know what it meant but smoke then proceeded to come out of the hood !! Once I got off the freeway I noticed the car started jerking and it would mostly happen when I would stop at red light/stop sign and when I would go it would jerk really ugly. Also, I drive the car in automatic not manually. Did anyone get their problem fixed ? Any tips ?
ShannonMZ6 answered 5 years ago
I have a 2009 Mazda 6. While driving home from work last night my AT light came on as well as my DSC off light. It jerked when ever I got to a stop sign/traffic light and was not shifting above 2nd gear. Any ideas what it could be?
I have a 2008 CX-9, AT warning light came on and tranny was slipping and shifting hard from 1st to 2nd, changed transmission fluid, slipping minimized but AT light still turns on dash after I drive for a while, they checked CPU and no code came up, what can be causing this?
@GuruCYVZD I also have a Mazda 3 2010 and same thing is happening and now my check engine light is on. I did a transmission flush but it didn’t not help. How much did it cost you to replace the TCM?
I have a Mazda CX7 2007 just had my transmission replaced now my dash lights and my radio are blinking on and off every now and then and my RPMs are going haywire like back and forth but could it be
I would take it back to mechanic who did transmission work. Ask him to check the wiring. It seems mechanic inadvertently did it. But I'm not certain.
Hey guys, I have my mazda 6 2009, there seem to be AT light showing, I recently took it for a computer check and the mechanic told me nothing seems to be noticed as there is only an error code which he deleted from the computer and the light went off, after a day the light came back on again. I tried to remove the negative terminal of the battery and ot went off again. After about two days it's back on. One thing I noticed though is when the AT light is on the manual gears dont shift to 1,2,3,4 or 5 it stays in M....any idea I would be appreciative
My vehicle Mazda9 it showing the TCS&AT m, pls advise
carsaremoneypits answered 10 months ago
I have a 2008 Mazda 3. I had the slidey car light and the AT light stuck on so I ended up getting a whole new transmission. It was great for a while but now the AT light keeps going on and off and when it comes on, it shifts rough but when it's off there's not that issue. My car also makes rattle/creaky sounds. My transmission fluid is fine so I have no idea what the issue is.
Check your transmission fluid sensors /switch circuit .make sure battery voltage reads ok. Get another diagnostic on your car it helps,Try Transmission fluid flush ..could be something less expensive being you paid for a new transmission already.